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Dear Customer,

There are quite a few videos available online which relate to Gas Detection equipment. We at JJS Technical Services have produced a number of them ourselves, and there are others scattered around the internet. Every once in a while, we'll gather up a few links and point you to some of these online offerings. If you see something in one of our descriptions which looks promising, why not have a look? The videos are usually quite short and they can be a remarkably valuable resource.

Best regards,
JJS Technical Services

GasAlertMicro video Gas Alert Micro Multi-Gas Monitor by BW Technologies

There are a couple of videos featuring the Gas Alert Micro, both available at JJSTech. This monitor has all the features you need in a personal gas monitor and it's very lightweight - perfect for OSHA Confined Space compliance.

Gas Alert Extreme Single Gas Monitor by BW Technologies

All you need to do is turn the instrument on and that's it. No complicated settings and nothing else to do. Take a look at the video at JJSTech.com. It's a single gas monitor, and it's super-waterproof.

RKI Instruments GX-2009

RKI has a number of videos available on YouTube. This one explains start-up procedures for the super-mini GX-2009. JJS Technical Services carries RKI equipment - be sure to check out the GX-2009 at our web site.

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Visit us at www.jjstech.com